Dryland and Pool Workout #8

Halp! Plz!

Dryland Workout

Alright, we’ve wrapped up the push up series!  Let’s work on using some of what we’ve learned and incorporate them into our dryland workouts.

We’re going to run through a Tabata style workout (20 seconds on/10 seconds rest) in a AB, AB format.  This will feature a kinetic movement coupled with a static isometric hold.

# Interval Notes
0:20:00 push up
0:10:00 rest
0:20:00 plank
0:10:00 rest
0:20:00 single leg squat
0:10:00 rest
0:20:00 static squat
0:10:00 rest
0:20:00 squats
0:10:00 rest
0:20:00 static squat hold
0:10:00 rest
0:20:00 alternating lunge
0:10:00 rest
0:20:00 static lunge
0:10:00 rest
0:20:00 side hip raise
0:10:00 rest
0:20:00 side plank
0:10:00 rest
0:20:00 squats
0:10:00 rest
0:20:00 static squat hold
0:10:00 rest
0:20:00 toe touch crunch
0:10:00 rest
0:20:00 static toe touch crunch
0:10:00 rest
0:20:00 back bow
0:10:00 rest
0:20:00 static back bow
0:10:00 rest

Great job!  Get changed and we’ll see you on deck!

Pool Workout

We’re going to add a little bit if distance and IM to our set for this workout so be prepared.  If you need paddles for the pull please feel free to use them.

# Distance Stroke Interval 3 Notes
1 300 swim 5:00
1 300 kick 5:00
1 300 pull 5:00
8 50 IM drill/swim 1:00
6 100 Swim 1:40 build within 100
1 400 Free 7:00 pull
4 100 Free 1:35 Fast
4 50 IM Order 1:00
1 0:00 rest 1:00
1 300 Free 5:00 pull
3 100 Free 1:35 fast
3 50 Non-Free Choice 1:00
1 0 rest 1:00
1 200 Free 3:00 pull
2 100 Free 1:35 fast
2 50 Non-Free Choice 1:00
1 0:00 rest 1:00
1 100 Free 1:25 fast
1 50 recovery 1:15
1 100 free 1:25 fast
1 50 recovery 1:15
1 150 cooldown 5:00
Total Distance Total Time
4600 1:24

Let’s #GetHiitOn!

Pushup Series: Plyometric Pushups

So, you’re a master at pushups.  In fact, you’re not pushing yourself up but pushing the Earth down!

Let’s change things up and add another element to your increasingly proficient pushups.

Spiderman Pushups

spiderman pushups

  1. In your normal pushup recovery position.
  2. Lower your body to the ground.
  3. As you lower your body, bring your left knee to your left elbow.
  4. As you push yourself back up, bring your knee back to starting position.
  5. Repeat with the opposite knee.

Important to note: Don’t round your back on these! Maintain a flat back and add only the sideway motion of bringing your knee up.  This added element incorporates more core stability and oblique activation to an already familiar but complex movement.

Pushups With Shoulder Taps

Via Shape Magazine

Pushup with shoulder tap

  1. Complete a normal pushup.
  2. In recovery position, use your hand to tap the opposite shoulder.
  3. Repeat with opposite hand/shoulder.

Again, another piece of core stability added.

Clapping Pushups

Via MensHealth UK

Clapping Pushup

  1. Complete a normal pushup.
  2. As you come up with an explosive movement to bring your upper body off the ground.
  3. Clap your hands if you have time before bringing them back into position.
  4. Repeat.

Important to note: These take patience and practice to accomplish so be very careful when you’re first starting out.  We recommend a cushioned surface for added support to lessen the pressure on your wrists, elbows, and shoulders.

RECAP – There are an almost infinite number of pushup variations.  It’s up to you and how comfortable you are with your own abilities to attack this exercise and build strength.  Remember, don’t abandon the basics – quality over quantity!

Do 3×15 spiderman pushups.

That’s our pushup series. Stick your chest out proudly and show everyone those muscles!

Let’s #GetHiitOn!

Pushup Series #4: Incline and Decline

So regular pushups are too easy for you, huh?  Are you a tough guy?

Here are a few variations for you to try out!

Version 1 Incline pushups

incline top pushup  incline bottom pushup

Find some stairs or an elevated spot and, with your feet situated lower than your body.

Version 2 Decline pushups

decline pushup decline bottom pushup

Just like incline pushups except in reverse, your body is on the elevated spot and feet below you.

Version 3 Wide Pushups

wide pushup 2  wide pushup 1

Place your hands wider than shoulder width (the wider you place your hands the more difficult the exercise will be). Proceed with the normal pushup motion.  This will work more on the inner chest muscles and fly motion as related to the pool.

Version 4 Diamond Pushups

diamond pushup diamond pushup

Place your hands together on the ground where your pointer fingers and thumbs touch so they make a diamond shape.  Proceed with the normal pushup motion.  This will limit your range of motion but you will feel this one!- it will focus on tricep strength.

By adding these variations to a complex compound movement you’re developing your upper body and turning into a swimming and dryland machine!  Try 3 rounds of 10-15 reps of each variation to get a solid upper body workout.

Let’s #GetHiitOn!

Dryland and Pool Workout #7


Dryland Workout

We’ll be working on holding positions and maintaining core strength for this dryland.  The progression in strength and form will come into play for this workout.


# Interval Excercise Time
1 20 Stairs – jog 0:01:00
1 20 Lunges I, with twist 0:01:00
1 20 Squat walks, 10 jump 0:01:00
1 10 rest 0:01:00
1 child’s pose
1 Downward dog
1 30 Pank position, plank hops 0:00:30
1 30 partner up, ball exchange situps, ankles as leverage; 2 twists, pass ball to partner, 0:00:30
1 30 side chops, Right 0:00:30
1 30 side chops, Left 0:00:30
each set 2x
1 30 situps on yoga ball 0:00:30
1 30 Side crunch R 0:00:30
1 30 Side crunch L 0:00:30
1 30 squeeze and twist 0:00:30
1 30 Squeeze and bend 0:00:30
1 30 fly kick with ball 0:00:30
1 30 V ups 0:00:30
1 30 ball on shins 0:00:30
1 30 reverse full crunch 0:00:30

Get changed and we’ll see you in the pool!

Pool Workout

Some more interval training.  Working on maintaining your form within a set is important for a smoother and efficient stroke which, in turn, helps with overall distance per stroke and less resistance against the water.  We start with a relatively easy time but build to a quick set of 100’s on the 1:20.  Those allow little rest in between 100’s but power through and you’re almost done!  We end with a little bit of odd stroke and finish with some starts.

Warm Up Theme: Date:
# Distance Stroke Interval 3 Distance Time
1 300 5:00:00 300 5:00:00
1 200 200 0
1 100 100 0
6 50 Drill, Swim 1:00:00 300 6:00:00
12 25 Fast, Easy, Free 0:45:00 300 9:00:00
5 100 free 1:35:00 500 7:55:00
5 100 free 1:30:00 500 7:30:00
1 50 EASY 1:00:00 50 1:00:00
5 100 free 1:25:00 500 7:05:00
5 100 free 1:20:00 500 6:40:00
1 100 EASY 1:00:00 100 1:00:00
6 25 Underwater 0:55:00 150 5:30:00
6 50 Drill, Swim; Stroke, by 50s Fly, back, Breast 1:05:00 300 6:30:00
5 75 Fly, back, breast by 25 1:20:00 375 6:40:00
1 50 Easy 1:00:00 50 1:00:00
4 50 Relay Start, IM 1:00:00 200 4:00:00
4 50 Relay Start, Free 1:00:00 200 4:00:00
2 50 Starts 1:00:00 100 2:00:00
1 125 Easy 1:00:00 125 1:00:00
Total Distance Total Time
4850 1:21:50

Let’s #GetHiitOn!

Pushup Series #3: Variations on a Pushup

There are plenty of pushup variations that outlining them all would be a whole blog unto itself.  We’ll go through a few here just to get you started within the progression.

Alt.1 Wall Pushups

Wall Pushup

Wall Pushup

  1. Stand about 1-2 feet away from the wall.
  2. Place your hands against the wall at shoulder level (height and width).
  3. Lean your upper body into the wall while keeping your feet anchored.
  4. Push away from the wall while keeping your feet anchored.

This is a starting point for the movement of pushups.  Additionally, if you have a history of shoulder injury this is a low impact alternative for pushups.

Alt.2 Pushups on knees

Pushups on knees

Pushups on knees

  1. On the floor, bring your knees to the ground (cushioning/padding is recommended).
  2. Keep your core tight- suck your belly button in.
  3. Hands are stacked below the shoulders.
  4. Lower yourself to the ground.
  5. Push yourself back up.

This version also lessens the amount of body weight and makes it a little easier.

Alt.3 Full Body Weight Pushup

Bodyweight pushups

Bodyweight pushups

These follow the same mechanics as pushups on your knees, just on your feet as a pivot point.

Using your chest, triceps, shoulders, upper back, and maintaining a strong core are good for pulling and strokes such as butterfly and freestyle where use of the chest is more prevalent.  Now it’s time to use what you’ve learned and put in more reps!  As with all of our exercises; we are not sacrificing quality for quantity.  We are not concerned with quantity at this point- that will come later.

We’re doing 3 x 15 pushups at your own pace. Be sure to take a rest and stretch out a little before and after each set.  A common stretch is the child’s pose.

Most important things to keep in mind:

  1. Don’t risk injury. If you feel a pain in your shoulders or wrists stop and rest.  Try something with less impact or body weight.
  2. Get down low to the ground when you’re dropping your body down. You want to feel a stretch in the chest.

Let’s #GetHiitOn!

Dryland and Pool Workout #6

Swimming on intervals

Dryland Workout

We’ll start out this dryland with work on form and function getting a good stretch in our muscles through the exercises.  Again, this is more about quality over quantity.  We’ll get into quantity later.

# Interval Notes
5 small arm circles, forward and backwards
5 medium arm circles, forward and backwards
5 large arm circles, forward and backwards
5 small leg circles, forward and backwards
5 medium leg circles, forward and backwards
5 large leg circles, forward and backwards
10 squats with 3 second pauses at top, middle, bottom
10 back lunges
10 forward lunges
10 sumo squats with 3 second pauses at top, middle, bottom
10 Regular pushups (on knees if necessary)
10 wide pushups (on knees if necessary)
10 close grip pushups (on knees if necessary)
10 Regular pushups (on knees if necessary) with 2 second pauses at top, middle, bottom
0:45:00 Plank on elbows
0:30:00 Plank on left side
0:30:00 Plank on right side
10 Back extensions (supermans) with a 3 second hold at the top

Allow a few minutes at the end to stretch and get changed.  See you on deck!

Pool Workout

We’re focusing on hypoxic and bilateral breathing. Bilateral breathing will help even your stroke out so it won’t be so your pull won’t be so heavy when you’re taking a breath.  Hypoxic training is also essential for increasing your VO2 Max and O2 intake.

We end with a little bit of interval work to spice things up.

# Distance Stroke Interval 3 Notes
1 400 swim 4:00:00
1 300 pull 3:00:00
1 200 IM 4:00:00
1 100 kick 3:00:00
12 25 drill 0:45:00 freestyle drill 4x (sailboat, fist, head up, catchup)
10 50 swim 1:00:00 desc 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 1 fast
1 50 easy 1:30:00
5 125 Free 2:30:00 25 underwater, 50 sprint, 50 recovery
5 100 IM 1:50:00 IM
5 75 Free 1:50:00 25 underwater, 50 pace
5 50 swim 0:50:00 Free
5 25 swim 0:30:00 sprint
1 100 easy 3:00:00
4 50 blocks 2:00:00
2 50 relays 2:00:00
1 100 cooldown
Total Distance Total Time
4225 1:23:00

Let’s #GetHiitOn!

Pushups Series #2: Beginner

Pushups are a key component to any workout whether it’s dryland or at the gym on our own.

The basic movement for pushups is one which almost everyone is familiar: You start in a plank position and lower yourself down- maintaining a straight line in the body- and then back up.  That counts as one (1) repetition.  But, as with the squat,there is a lot to consider in doing pushups correctly.

A literal line from heel to neck.

A literal line from heel to neck.

Key Elements to Consider:

  1. Keep your elbows in – not flared out
  2. Stack shoulders above your hands
  3. Keep core engaged
  4. Don’t let your back/butt raise or dip (see picture above)
Bodyweight pushups

Bodyweight pushups

If you’re just beginning pushups and don’t have the arm/upper body strength OR have shoulder issues, the full movement will be difficult. That is not necessary since we’re just starting out and building the muscles up as well as alternate versions for less strain.

Let’s #GetHiitOn!

Dryland and Pool Workout #5

Dryland and Pool Workout

Dryland Workout

We start this week’s dryland off with a bit of stretching to loosen up those muscles and a warmup to get the blood flowing and heart pumping.  Then into our namesake: HIIT.  Specifically a Tabata set of 8 rounds of 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off.  We have 3 groups of exercises.  Do each group 2 times through for a single round.  Take water breaks inbetween groups and you’ll have a great workout on your hands!

Click here for a handy link to a Tabata timer that will do all of the timing work for you!

# Interval Notes Time
1 0:30:00 Jog in place 0:30:00
1 0:30:00 High Knees 0:30:00
1 0:30:00 Butt Kickers 0:30:00
1 0:30:00 jumping jacks 0:30:00
1 0:30:00 mountain climbers 0:30:00
Main Set
# Interval Notes Time
1 0:20:00 squats 0:10 rest
1 0:20:00 left leg only lunges 0:10 rest
1 0:20:00 right leg only lunges 0:10 rest
1 0:20:00 knee slappers 0:10 rest
# Interval Notes Time
1 0:20:00 pushups 0:10 rest
1 0:20:00 squat thrusts 0:10 rest
1 0:20:00 jump thrusts 0:10 rest
1 0:20:00 burpees 0:10 rest
# Interval Notes Time
1 0:20:00 crunches 0:10 rest
1 0:20:00 leg lifts 0:10 rest
1 0:20:00 toe touches 0:10 rest
1 0:20:00 accordian crunches 0:10 rest

 Take some time to stretch and change.  We’ll see you on deck!

Pool Workout

This week’s workout is all about  pacing.  Really concentrate on maintaining a consistent stroke count per lap (count your Distance Per Stroke or DPS) and aim to hold that number.  We threw in some choice in between sets so your shoulders won’t have so much pressure swimming freestyle for such a long time.  Also, it mixes things up a bit to keep it fun!

Warm Up Theme:
# Distance Stroke Interval 3 Notes
10 50 swim 1:00:00
10 25 kick 0:45:00
2 200 Pull 3:10:00 Breath 3/5 by 50
8 50 IM 1:00:00 25 drill/ 25 fast
2 100 Kick 1:50:00 with fins
2 100 kick 1:45:00 with fins
2 100 kick 1:40:00 with fins
# Distance Stroke Interval 3 Notes
8 25 Free 0:35:00 100 pace
1 100 Choice 2:00:00 200 pace
6 50 Free 0:50:00 100 pace
1 100 Choice 2:00:00 200 pace
4 100 Free 1:40:00 Fast 100 pace
1 100 Choice 2:00:00 200 pace
2 200 Free 3:00:00 100 pace neg split
1 100 Choice 2:00:00 200 pace
1 400 Free 6:00:00 Fast
1 100 Choice 2:00:00 200 pace
Total Distance Total Time
4350 1:20:40

Let’s #GetHiitOn!