Pushup Series: Plyometric Pushups

So, you’re a master at pushups.  In fact, you’re not pushing yourself up but pushing the Earth down!

Let’s change things up and add another element to your increasingly proficient pushups.

Spiderman Pushups

spiderman pushups

  1. In your normal pushup recovery position.
  2. Lower your body to the ground.
  3. As you lower your body, bring your left knee to your left elbow.
  4. As you push yourself back up, bring your knee back to starting position.
  5. Repeat with the opposite knee.

Important to note: Don’t round your back on these! Maintain a flat back and add only the sideway motion of bringing your knee up.  This added element incorporates more core stability and oblique activation to an already familiar but complex movement.

Pushups With Shoulder Taps

Via Shape Magazine

Pushup with shoulder tap

  1. Complete a normal pushup.
  2. In recovery position, use your hand to tap the opposite shoulder.
  3. Repeat with opposite hand/shoulder.

Again, another piece of core stability added.

Clapping Pushups

Via MensHealth UK

Clapping Pushup

  1. Complete a normal pushup.
  2. As you come up with an explosive movement to bring your upper body off the ground.
  3. Clap your hands if you have time before bringing them back into position.
  4. Repeat.

Important to note: These take patience and practice to accomplish so be very careful when you’re first starting out.  We recommend a cushioned surface for added support to lessen the pressure on your wrists, elbows, and shoulders.

RECAP – There are an almost infinite number of pushup variations.  It’s up to you and how comfortable you are with your own abilities to attack this exercise and build strength.  Remember, don’t abandon the basics – quality over quantity!

Do 3×15 spiderman pushups.

That’s our pushup series. Stick your chest out proudly and show everyone those muscles!

Let’s #GetHiitOn!