Squat Series: Medicine Ball Squats


At this point you feel comfortable doing a body weight squat (aka air squat) and able to do 3 sets of 15 reps without much fatigue or muscle tightness.

The next challenge is adding a little bit of weight to increase strength.

We’re going to introduce a few ways you can hold a 4lb. to 10lb. ball. You’re working your posterior muscles more by counterbalancing the new distribution of weight.

Don’t worry! The added weight will strengthen, define, and add density to muscles; light weight will not give you bulky legs.

As always, push through your heels and maintain your center of balance.

Version 1: Medicine Ball at Chest

Hold the medicine ball at your chest throughout the duration of the exercise.
(Holding the medicine ball incorporates a bit of upper body strength, specifically the chest and shoulders.)

med ball chest

version 1: medicine ball at chest

Version 2: Medicine Ball Above Head

Hold the medicine ball above your head while maintaining the straight line from your hips to the top of the medicine ball.  (This incorporates the shoulder muscle, the deltoids. )

Remember to engage the core especially since there is a new weight being introduced that will affect your balance.

med ball shoulder

version 2: medicine ball above shoulders

Version 3: Squat With a Press

  1. Hold the medicine ball at chest level.
  2. When you begin you lower yourself into the seated position, raise the medicine ball above your head into a press and extend, holding the ball all the way out above your head.
  3. As you come up from your seated position, bring the medicine ball back down and back to chest level.
  4. Engage your muscles at the top and focus on driving the hips forward.

This version involves additional moving pieces that use the lateral and medial heads of the deltoid (shoulders) as you press up.

med ball press

Version 3: squat with shoulder press


By adding these challenging components to a complex compound movement, you’re well on your way to a total body workout!

Let’s #GetHiitOn!